Agency Name | Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz Chapter |
Categories | Environment & Nature,Technology |
Contact Name | |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | 2222 East Cliff Drive #234 Santa Cruz, Ca. 95062 |
Agency Phone | (831) 476-7667 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | No specific office hours, please email. |
Distance from Campus | |
Nearest Bus Lines | 12 |
Mission Statement | The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches, for all people, through Conservation, Activism, Research and Education (C.A.R.E.). Every Surfrider Foundation chapter shall have the following primary and specific purposes: -To safeguard and enhance the quality of surfriding environments and public access to such areas. -To educate the public regarding the importance of the oceans’ waves as recreational resources and the need to preserve surfriding sites for future generations. -To provide its members the opportunity for grassroots community involvement, which furthers these objectives. Surfrider was founded by surfers and many of us surf whenever we can, but you don't have to surf to help protect our coast. We are united by our respect for the ocean, an interest in clean water, healthy beaches, and access to them. |
Volunteer Duties | Water samplers (various sites available and internships possible) Beach cleanup coordinator assistant-to be relief for Jenn and complement us having a couple of staff at each event Media outreach coordinator-write and distribute press releases, PSAs, etc. Education outreach for school and group programs |
Notes |
Our Santa Cruz chapter was founded in 1991. We are united by our love of and respect for the ocean and by our desire for clean water, healthy beaches and access to such sites. Surfrider was founded by surfers and many of us surf whenever we can. However, our members come from many walks of life, and anyone who shares our goals is welcome to join us. And, when we speak of surfers, we include any and all of the tribe who ride the waves, including their own bodies, surfboards, body-boards, sailboards and kite boards The Surfrider Foundation is a nonprofit environmental organization with an international network that boasts over 250,000 supporters and 100 chapters worldwide. Together we are dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network! Updated 2/13/17 |